Tomorrow, Builder Magazine is offering a unique opportunity to hear Scott Sedam, Founder of True North development, speak about "Becoming the Lean Builder". This 60-minute webinar will cover the importance of Lean Building practices are part of your companies strategy to survive this changing economy. In Scott's own words, "It is not merely slashing overheads and sending “demand letters” to your suppliers & trades. This is about learning to identify and eliminate waste in all products and processes wherever it is found, tapping into the knowledge and experience of every associate, including suppliers & trades." Join other industry leaders for this experience:
The 90/90 Rule and the Rebirth of Operations
Presidential Online Seminar
Wednesday, April 15, 11:00 AM EDT
Registration is fast, easy and no charge at:
The 90/90 Rule and the Rebirth of Operations
Presidential Online Seminar
Wednesday, April 15, 11:00 AM EDT
Registration is fast, easy and no charge at:
Please register and forward this email to members of your team, your company, other associates and perhaps your key suppliers & trades. This webinar will appeal to and inform all functions and all levels. There is no “sales pitch” in the webinar, of course, but if you are not sure it will be worth an hour investment of your time, ask yourself this: If you had added $8,300 per unit in margin the past 12 months, brought to you willingly and enthusiastically by your suppliers & trades, would it have made a difference? In just over 2 years, that is the amount that TrueNorth Clients of our LeanBuilding Blitz have found on average – and your results are 100% guaranteed. No matter how you have been pursuing cost reduction, the LeanBlitz approach is genuinely different, as we have heard repeatedly from some of the most sophisticated builders in the industry.
If you cannot register and you would still like to have our educational, no sales-pitch white paper, “Seeing with New Eyes – an Intelligent Guide to Lean Building,” to learn more about this groundbreaking approach to cost reduction, just contact me and write “send white paper.”